Our business, Research Podcasts Ltd., is committed to combatting slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, and we make this statement to assist with compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement relates to our financial year ending October 31st 2023.
As our business has a turnover of less than £36 million, we do not have a legal obligation to produce a modern slavery statement. However:
- We agree that exploitation within all supply chains ending in the UK is a blight on our society, and we are committed to playing our part in eliminating exploitation;
- We understand that customers with obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 cannot comply with those duties without our cooperation.
To that end, we confirm that we have examined our own business and, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable, businesses within our supply chain, and we confirm the following:
- We confirm that within our own business, no relevant offence relating to slavery or human tracking has been committed.
- We have made enquiries of businesses that supply directly to us and we are confident that no relevant offence is committed in that business.
- Insofar as it was reasonably practicable, we have examined our supply chains and confirm that we found no evidence of slavery or human trafficking.
Further details about our business and supply chain are provided below.
Our business works predominantly with academic departments in universities and similar institutions in the UK to provide podcast training and production for those institutions and departments/individuals who are based/employed there. We also work with those clients to help them develop their social media presence.
Our Business Structure
The company currently employs 2 directors and uses the services of a small number of freelance consultants for podcast production, editing and training.
It is proposed to extend the company to 3 directors:
- An overall CEO
- A Director i/c Podcast Production
- A Director of Podcast Training
We currently operate in the following countries:
- The United Kingdom
Our supply chain is as follows:
- Our small number of freelance consultants are either sole traders or small businesses (limited companies) based in the UK apart from one consultant based in Croatia (podcast editing).
- We use the following online services,
- Liberated Syndication is a podcast hosting service based in the USA.
- Buffer is a software application for the web and mobile, designed to manage accounts in social networks. It is based in the USA but has a global network of professionals
- TsoHost provides platforms for hosting websites and is based in the United Kingdom.
- Canva is an online design company and has offices in Manila, Sydney and Beijing
We understand that certain industry sectors and geographical regions entail greater risk of exploitation than others. We do not believe our supply chains are in one of those sectors.
Where it is reasonably practicable, we ensure that businesses in our supply chain have made a similar statement relating to slavery and human trafficking.
The person in our business responsible for assessing matters relating to slavery and human trafficking is: Christine Garrington, CEO and principal shareholder.
We also encourage all employees and consultants to report on any matters relating to slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains of which they become aware.